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Desobody & Desoface

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An intralipotherapy designed to treat localised pockets of fat, the active ingredient Sodium Deoxycholate dissolves the areas of fat which are difficult to lose via traditional routes such as exercise and diet.


DesoFace and DesoBody are the next generation of fat dissolving injections for your face and body.

• Are you finding it hard to lose stubborn pockets of fat?
• Is your appearance affecting your confidence?
• Are you looking for a non-surgical alternative to liposuction?


What is DesoFace and DesoBody?

An intralipotherapy designed to treat localised pockets of fat, the active ingredient Sodium Deoxycholate dissolves the areas of fat which are difficult to lose via traditional routes such as exercise and diet.


Why do you need fat dissolving injections?
If you are unhappy with stubborn pockets of fat in the following areas, then fat dissolving injections are the treatment for you:


• Hips
• Stomach
• Chin
• Thighs
• Knees
• Below buttocks
• Arms

Top three benefits of DesoFace and DesoBody:
1. Great for localised areas of fat that won’t shift with diet and exercise
2. Quick and minimally invasive
3. Results are permanent as long as you don’t gain weight


How do these fat dissolving injections work?
DesoFace or DesoBody are injected into fatty areas where they liquefy fat cells, destroying them permanently. Fats are then eliminated naturally by the kidneys. Each treatment will take up to eight weeks to show the full result. Larger areas will require between three and six sessions (one every two months) to see optimal results.


Your personalized treatment plan:
When you visit the clinic for your consultation, we will discuss your areas of concern and medical history with you to assess whether this treatment is suitable for you. If it is appropriate, we will recommended a personalized treatment plan, or alternative treatment, as well as answer any of the questions you still have.

What you can expect at your DesoFace or DesoBody treatment session:
The areas for injection will be marked and cleaned and the injections are done with a very small thin but long needle. You will barely be able to feel the needle but the product has a local anaesthetic mixed into it so the procedure will not be painful. The whole procedure will take approximately 30-45 minutes.

What happens after your DesoFace or DesoBody treatment session?
You will feel some discomfort afterwards. There will be some redness and swelling as the fat cells start to be dissolve. The redness and swelling is normal and to be expected and will improve after a couple of days. Please try to keep the injection sites dry for at least six hours and wear supportive clothing for comfort. Otherwise, you can get on with your day as normal.

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